Change is an inevitable part of life and can significantly impact our emotions. In this lesson, suitable for students in grades 4 and 5 (9-11 years old), we'll examine various changes students may encounter and provide useful techniques to handle them efficiently.
Students will recognize different types of change they may experience in their lives and understand how they can impact their emotions.
Students will discuss practical strategies for coping with changes.
Sticky notes to write examples of changes
Flashcards with four different feelings (happy, sad, worried, angry)
Begin the lesson by showing the students a short video or a slideshow containing pictures of someone experiencing different stages of life (you can personalize this part as you like). Include quotes about changes that promote a positive outlook (e.g., "Change can be an opportunity for growth" or "Embrace change and discover new possibilities").
Introduce the lesson's topic, emphasizing that change is a natural part of life. Explain that changes can evoke various emotions, and it's important to learn how to manage them effectively.
Present the goals of the lesson to the students.
Main activities
- Changes and feelings:
Distribute paper and pencils to the students.
Ask the students to think about and write down three examples of changes they have experienced in the last two years. Ask if there are volunteers who would like to share their examples with the class.
Introduce the "4 Corner Activities" to explore different emotions related to specific examples of change:
Place feeling cards (e.g., happy, sad, anxious, excited) in each corner of the classroom.
Read out one example of a change at a time.
Students should move to the corner corresponding to the feeling they may experience for that specific change.
Allow a brief discussion in each corner to share thoughts and experiences related to those emotions.
Repeat this process for each example of change shared.
- Strategies for coping with changes:
Explain reframing as a strategy for coping with changes. Emphasize that it involves looking at a situation from a different perspective and finding its positive aspects. Provide examples of different scenarios to practice. Discuss each scenario as a class and encourage students to suggest alternative ways to view the situation positively.
Discuss the importance of balancing the amount of change in our lives.
Introduce the idea of validating our feelings. Explain the importance of acknowledging and labeling our emotions accurately. Encourage students to maintain a journal or share their feelings with trusted friends or adults.
Discuss the importance of focusing on solutions. Ask students questions such as: "What aspects of this change can we control?" "What can we do to make ourselves feel better?" "Who can support us during this transition?" "What can we do to have fun amidst the change?"
Review self-care strategies that can be employed during times of change, emphasizing the importance of taking care of oneself physically and emotionally.
Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson, emphasizing the following:
Change is a natural part of life and can evoke many emotions.
Reframing can help us view changes from a positive perspective.
Balancing the amount of change is vital for our well-being.
Validating our feelings and seeking support are crucial during times of change.
Focusing on solutions and practicing self-care strategies can help us cope effectively.
Encourage students to reflect on the lesson and share additional questions or thoughts.
Follow-up activities
Facilitate a circle activity where students can share their reflections on the lesson and discuss coping strategies.
Students can complete the worksheet "Coping with Changes" individually and reflect on their own experiences.